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Fight against bullying, certified by the first comprehensive Italian school

Certified the commitment of the Comprehensive Institute 1 of San Bonifacio (VR) for 1500 students

Certified the commitment of the Comprehensive Institute 1 of San Bonifacio (VR) for 1500 students

CSQA Certificazioni issues the first certificate relating to the regulation on the prevention and fight against bullying

Bullying is a rampant, constantly evolving phenomenon which, according to Istat data, affects more than 50% of Italian 11-17 year olds , victims, in the last 12 months, of some offensive, disrespectful and violent episode. A significant percentage, which finds confirmation of the pervasiveness of the phenomenon in the monthly data, in which almost one Italian minor out of five (19.8%) claims to have suffered typical bullying actions one or more times a month.

It is to respond to this need that the UNI/PdR 42:2018 reference practice was born in 2018, a voluntary standard, which presents itself as a real certifiable "anti-bullying regulation", for structures intended to welcome minors, evaluating the prevention activities implemented by the school with training for teachers, educators, parents, children and with the monitoring of any signs of discomfort (students' behavior, aggregation dynamics, listening desks, "protected" methods reporting of bullying).

After just one year, CSQA issues the first accredited certification of a comprehensive school . In fact, the state institute of San Bonifacio, in Verona, is the first complex Italian didactic reality to be certified in the prevention and contrast of the Bullying phenomenon by CSQA. The institution which has 1500 students of 35 different nationalities, divided into 6 school complexes and 3 levels of education - childhood, primary and lower secondary - can now count on effective tools to prevent and manage behavior attributable to bullying.

"In the field of prevention - declared Vilma Molinari, Dean of the Istituto Comprensivo 1 of San Bonifacio - the certification allows to strengthen the educational alliance with families, to acquire structured working methods that become institutional, to keep the Teachers Board and the users updated on the pedagogical and educational debate on the subject of bullying, finally it inevitably falls on the belonging territory and involves the Local Authority for the sharing of solutions and proposals. The system of sanctions, on the other hand, makes it possible to correct wrong conduct according to shared and accepted procedures, transmitting action in accordance with the rules”.

An important certification also for CSQA, thanks to the educational and ethical value that the practice of bullying represents in terms of social challenge and the well-being of minors.

“We have believed in this certification standard since its drafting, which saw us involved in the UNI working group - declared Pietro Bonato, CEO and General Manager of CSQA Certificazioni . It is a project with a strong impact on the community and on the territory, which requires all parties involved to assume responsibility. CSQA, which has always been committed to these issues, has once again taken up the challenge, obtaining ACCREDIA accreditation as a demonstration of the impartiality and professionalism of our work".

CSQA Press Office - Email: comunica@csqa.it - Tel. 05771503049

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