With the SQNZ System, the Ministry of Agriculture establishes a quality regime, which certifies farms, agricultural products and food products of zootechnical origin.
The decree establishing the National Zootechnical Quality System (SQNZ) adapts to the new EU legislation both the national provisions that regulate the national quality system for the zootechnical sector and the relative method of access by producers to the individual production regulations.
An Annex to the decree, published in the Official Gazette, lays down the Guidelines for drafting the production specifications relating to the SQNZ system. The specifications are authorized and recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture which also keeps the list of specifications and producers adhering to the SQNZ System.
Among other requirements, "a quality of the final product significantly exceeding current commercial standards in terms of public health, animal and plant health, animal welfare or environmental protection " contributes to compliance with the SQNZ System. Furthermore, the products obtained with the application of a production specification recognized within the SQNZ and which comply with the BCAA criteria (Good agronomic and environmental conditions (BCAA) of EU Reg. 2022/126 , can be identified with the wording " product from sustainable breeding".
The conformity of the products to the SQNZ System can be highlighted in the advertising and in the labeling of the packaging.
The following information must be reported:
a) the name of the product envisaged by the specific SQNZ production specification;
b) the wording " National zootechnical quality system (or its acronym SQNZ) recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests (or its acronym Masaf)";
c) the country of origin and breeding of the animals, where it is not provided for by specific legislation.
The use of products obtained in compliance with the SQNZ, as "quality products", may constitute a preferential title in the award of supplies of food products intended for collective catering.
At the Ministry, a "SQNZ" Commission has the task of evaluating the production specifications relating to the SQNZ, in compliance with EU and national legislation.
A Consortium for the promotion and enhancement of SQNZ products is also envisaged, made up of individual and associated operators, with the aim of consulting tasks, technical assistance, promotion and enhancement of SQNZ products and market surveillance. The Consortium will be governed by a subsequent Masaf decree.
Transitional measures are envisaged for the adaptation of the production regulations to the new SQNZ System. (Source: https://www.anmvioggi.it /)
DECREE 16 December 2022
Establishment of the National Livestock Quality System.
Guidelines for the preparation of production specifications for zootechnical products belonging to the national zootechnical quality system