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Phthalates and other plasticizers: EFSA evaluation plan

The scientific protocol for the evaluation of the dangers of plasticizing substances used in MOCAs has been published

Phthalates and other plasticizers: EFSA evaluation plan

Phthalates and other plasticizers: EFSA evaluation plan

The European Food Safety Authority has made public the scientific protocol useful for assessing the dangers for consumers deriving from plasticizers used in materials in contact with food, establishing the principles that will guide the scientific work.

The protocol represents the latest stage of preparatory work to review the health risks associated with plasticizers used in different types of FCMs, such as plastics, rubber and inks, and in the food chain such as food processing equipment and packaging.

Such plasticizers include phthalates, structurally similar substances, and substances used to replace phthalates in FCMs.

The protocol, which was finalized with input from a public consultation, transparently describes the approach EFSA scientists will use to source and select data, as well as evaluate and integrate evidence for hazard assessments.

Scientists will use the results of those hazard assessments in their subsequent risk assessments from substances that have been prioritized , taking into account updated exposure estimates, including dietary exposure, total exposure and contribution to exposure from FCMs. (Source: https://www.foodandtec.com /)
Protocol for the hazard assessment as part of the risk assessment of phthalates, structurally similar substances and replacement substances potentially used as plasticisers in materials and articles intended to come into contact with food →

Identification and prioritization for risk assessment of phthalates, structurally similar substances and replacement substances potentially used as plasticisers in materials and articles intended to come into contact with food →

Protocol for the exposure assessment as part of the risk assessment of phthalates, structurally similar substances and replacement substances potentially used as plasticisers in materials and articles intended to come into contact with food →

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