Home Corporate Communication Press Review Peach of Verona PGI toasts in bellini, the certified supply chain restarts

Peach of Verona PGI toasts in bellini, the certified supply chain restarts

These were difficult years for the growers of Pesca di Verona PGI, but now it's time for revenge. After years of agronomic and bureaucratic vicissitudes, the product once again boasts the IGP certification.

Peach of Verona PGI toasts in bellini, the certified supply chain restarts

Peach of Verona PGI toasts in bellini, the certified supply chain restarts


The process of restoring the Pesca di Verona PGI ended on 28 June with Decree no. 0337590 through which the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry Francesco Lollobrigida assigned CSQA srl of Thiene the task of certifying body. The next step is the re-establishment of the protection consortium.

To seal this important today, August 1, 2023 at 12.30 in Palazzo Ferro Fini, the president of the regional council Roberto Ciambetti has convened the press conference for the official presentation of the brand. The regional councilor Filippo Rigo, promoter of the initiative, the president of Coldiretti Verona Alex Vantini and the regional director Marina Montedoro, the president of the Veneto Fruit and Vegetable Association Stefano Faedo were present.


Source: Il Sole 24 Ore

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