REPORT - 29/05/2023 EPISODE

With regard to the "Che Porci!" service broadcast on Rai3 in the May 29, 2023 episode of the Report programme, CSQA observes the following:

  • the activity referred to relates to 2020;
  • the letter allegedly sent by CSQA employees to the Ministry is signed with false signatures ;
  • ICQRF subjected CSQA to an extraordinary supervisory activity only in the period between the end of February and June 2022, in which CSQA has always continued to carry out its activity. This supervision ended in June 2022 with the full confirmation to CSQA of all its functions . Hence the renewal of the authorization to control Parma DOP in full compliance with the applicable procedures .

With respect to the topics covered by the broadcast:
  • Animal welfare : animal welfare is regulated by national and European standards which provide for controls by the Ministry of Health through the official veterinary services. All farms included in the protected circuit are authorized and monitored in accordance with the aforementioned standards. CSQA does not have the right to contest animal welfare requirements in the context of the control activities on PDO Parma Ham. It should also be noted that one of the farms covered by the service is not even part of the protected Parma DOP circuit.
  • Conformity of 2 and a half million hams : Report is probably not aware of the fact that on 08/12/2021 ICQRF recognized the correctness of CSQA's work as required by the control plan and consequently confirmed the suitability of the hams. No non-compliant leg has been branded and placed on the market.

CSQA strongly reaffirms the correctness of its work in full compliance with current regulations.

CSQA, in the exercise of its activities, responds and will always respond with the transparency and impartiality that has always distinguished it to the control authorities Accredia and MASAF. Without prejudice to the competences of any other designated Public Authority.

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