Home Corporate Communication News Origin on the label, the obligation extended to the end of 2023

Origin on the label, the obligation extended to the end of 2023

Pending the new EU regulations, the MASAF Decree on pasta, rice, tomato, processed pork, milk and dairy products has been published in the Official Journal

Origin on the label, the obligation extended to the end of 2023

Origin on the label, the obligation extended to the end of 2023

The Italian experimental regime on the indication of origin to be shown on food labels has been extended until 31 December 2023 .

In the Gazette n. 96 of 24 April 2022 , in fact, published the Decree of 21 December 2022 with which the ministers of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, of Enterprises and Made in Italy, and of Health "extended" until the end of the year the regime on the indication on the label of the origin of the raw material for pasta, rice, tomato, processed pork, milk and dairy products , in the light of the ongoing consultations to amend EU regulation no. 1169/2011 .

The objective of the measure is to continue to guarantee safety and transparency towards consumers. (Source: https://www.sivempveneto.it /)

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