CSQA has issued the certification for Bullying Management according to the UNI/Pdr 42 Reference Practice to the DOC social cooperative
It is the first non-school organization in Italy that is certified for this scheme.
DOC is a social cooperative specialized in the planning, organization and management of tourism, social and educational activities, which addresses its services to people of different ages and conditions, especially minors and those living in contexts of personal and social fragility. Specifically, the Cooperative has focused its commitment to combating bullying in the context of educational and entertainment services aimed at minors on residential holiday stays.
The UNI Reference Practice 42 is a certifiable para-normative document, born from the collaboration between UNI and ACCREDIA, which addresses the issue of bullying in schools of all levels and in all activities similar to schools (for example, vocational training centres, day centres, boarding schools, youth centres, sports centres, recreation centers and so on) and, in general, to all organizations aimed at minors. The adoption of the reference practice is important for identifying the risks to which minors are exposed and ensuring operational management capable of eliminating and/or reducing them , also taking into account the legal risk for the various operators who work in contact with minors.