Coop Switzerland , a consumer cooperative active in sustainability issues, has collaborated with GLOBALG.A.P. in the development of an add-on relating to the sustainable management of water resources.Fresh water is a scarce resource in several countries and regions of the world and is set to further decrease/scarce due to climate change and increasing world population. Today, approximately 70% of the world's freshwater resources are used in agriculture .
As a result, improving water management at the farm level is crucial
The SPRING program is applicable by producers to implement and/or strengthen sustainable water management efforts, as well as by merchants/retailers who can, with this tool, request and communicate their commitment to sustainable water resources.
CSQA has been recognized by GLOBALG.A.P. among the bodies authorized for the certification of the SPRING add-on.
This add-on module is based on the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Crops standard and complements it with a set of requirements aimed at assessing sustainable water management at the farm level, such as:- legal compliance of water sources and abstraction rates;
- good practices in water management (for example the use of tensiometers);
- water protection;
- monitoring of water consumption (m 3 / ha / year);
- the impact of producers on the sustainable management of river basins.
- Compilation of the questionnaire and sending to CSQA of data relating to water sources and corporate infrastructures connected to water management
- issue by CSQA of the offer for certification and acceptance of the payment of the fees envisaged by the SPRING form
- preliminary documentary evaluation
- audit planning and conducting (expected audit duration for SPRING module: 5 to 8 hours; joint audit with GLOBALG.A.P. IFA standard is recommended)
- closure of any findings, if necessary
- issue of the certificate with annual validity
GLOBALG.A.P. has published the new fee " GLOBALG.A.P. Fee Table ":
- "GLOBALG.A.P. Fee Table" for all Countries
- "GLOBALG.A.P. Fee Table" for North America (USA and Canada)
Sublicense agreement for all CountriesSublicense agreement for North America (USA and Canada)