The UNI 11034 standard “Childcare services. Service requirements” stands as a guarantee instrument regarding the reliability and safety of the place where many young children spend their time, in fact it allows to obtain an objective feedback on the goodness of the service and of the structure dedicated to childcare .The Uni 11034 "Childcare services" standard was created for:
- early childhood services ( up to three years )
- early childhood services structurally with educational services also aimed at the 3-6 age group
- educational services designed for the 0-6 age group such as public and private childhood centres
- nursery schools
- supplementary services for nursery schools, however named, such as:
- centers for children and parents
- play centres/spaces
- childhood centres - local educational services
The law provides that the management of the structure:- define its own mission , in which what it intends to achieve emerges and above all what it intends to be
- defines a technical document in which to describe its procedures , operating methods and internal responsibilities so that the path through which the service is provided is clear
- carries out an annual planning of the activities and scheduled appointments so that the parent is first of all aware of what their child will experience and, secondly, can have the opportunity to organize themselves in time and carve out spaces from their work to participate in the life of the support school. An annual calendar will therefore be drawn up in which to list the main moments of the child's educational life, up to the daily rituals, play, lunch, bedtime
- draws up the Educational Project , the school's programmatic document, carried out by involving the families, explaining the values expressed in the educational methods and tools that are intended to be used throughout the year. In doing this, the standard requires that qualified personnel be used , not according to the intuition of the coordinator or the president of the cooperative on duty, but through defined and established requirements , a clear and punctual training path that goes to fill and update the key themes of the ways of education, an approach to the integration of employees in the heart of the management so that they feel they are the first and motivated protagonists of the successful outcome of the provision of the service
- establishes verification times by the internal structure so that it is always clear to everyone the goal you are aiming for and how you are achieving it
- adheres to the envisaged methods of designing and introducing innovative services which, precisely because they are new, must be thoroughly tested before having their consequences directed towards the child
The UNI 11034 , by defining the management of the day and the stages of acclimatization and insertion of the child, creates a certain reliability and a good level of guarantee such that it becomes legitimate to imagine a serene development of the child at least gives the space to assume that all the tools for this purpose are present and usable.
Furthermore, the standard gives clear indications on the management of the spaces which, in accordance with the spirit of the standard itself, must guarantee the well-being and safety of the children.
- On the part of a childcare facility, choosing to comply with UNI 11034 means differentiating itself and raising its service standards, it is synonymous with commitment, will and professional creativity aimed at satisfying the well-being of the child with full knowledge of the facts
- On the part of a parent, entrusting themselves to a UNI 11034 certified school coincides with the possibility of knowing themselves safe and in good hands, it is an indication of participation in the provision of the service itself, it communicates an extra gear for the same objective: the well-being of the child