The reference practice UNI PdR 125:2022 ( "Guidelines on the gender equality management system which provides for the adoption of specific KPIs (Key Performances Indicators) relating to gender equality policies in organisations") defines the guidelines for a gender equality management system which provides for the structuring and adoption of a set of performance indicators (KPIs) relating to gender equality policies in organisations .The practice aims to encourage companies to adopt adequate policies to reduce the gender gap in all the areas that present the most critical issues, such as career opportunities, equal pay for equal jobs, gender difference management policies and maternity protection.
The adoption by male and female entrepreneurs of gender certification is also supported by specific incentives of a fiscal nature and in the field of public procurement . Furthermore, with funds from the PNRR , the Department for Equal Opportunities will activate accompanying and support measures for medium and small-sized enterprises that wish to obtain certification.
The Gender Equality Certification is applicable to any type of Organization , whether private, public or non-profit sector, regardless of the size and nature of the business.
In order for "gender equality" actions to be effective, the reference practice defines a series of feasible, relevant and comparable indicators (KPIs) capable of guiding change and representing continuous improvement.To ensure a holistic measurement of the level of maturity of individual organizations, 6 evaluation areas have been identified for the different variables that distinguish an organization that is inclusive and respectful of gender equality:
- culture and strategy
- governance
- HR processes
- opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company
- pay equity by gender
- protection of parenthood and work-life balance.
Each area is distinguished by a % weight which contributes to measuring the current level of the organization and with respect to which improvement is measured over time.
For each assessment area, specific KPIs have been identified with which to measure the degree of maturity of the organization through annual monitoring and verification every two years , to give evidence of the improvement obtained thanks to the variety of interventions implemented or corrections activated.
The system applies starting from micro-organizations (1-9 employees) - with simplifications for organizations belonging to micro and small ones - up to multinationals.
KPIs are quantitative and qualitative in nature, the former are measured in terms of percentage variation with respect to an internal company value or the national average reference value or the type of economic activity, the latter in terms of presence or absence.
Each indicator is associated with a score whose achievement or otherwise is weighted by the weight of the assessment area: the achievement of the minimum overall summary score of 60% is expected to determine access to certification by the organization.
The UNI/PdR 125:2022 can be downloaded free of charge from the UNI catalogue.