The European Union recognizes three types of authoritative guidelines , especially useful for those companies seeking a formal approach to CSR.The UNI EN ISO 26000 standard is one of these tools.
The standard defines the methods for implementing corporate social responsibility.
Even INAIL considers ISO 26000 to be particularly important , in the elaboration of which it has participated with a significant role right from the start, so much so that companies that show particular sensitivity towards CSR are expected to obtain a concrete reduction in the premium .
This guideline is applicable to all types of companies .
Cooperatives , or family-run businesses or some types of businesses, by their very nature have ownership and governance structures that are particularly conducive to responsible business conduct.
CSQA can offer a gap analysis service aimed at helping organizations in their path of awareness on the issue of social responsibility .
The principles of social responsibility according to ISO 26000 are:
- Accountability
- Transparency
- ethical behavior
- Respect for the interests of the stakeholders respect for the principle of legality
- Compliance with international standards of conduct
- Respect for human rights
The methodology used by CSQA:
- helps companies integrate the guidance into existing strategies, practices and objectives, so as to facilitate the " paradigm shift " process that companies must undertake in applying ISO 26000
- allows the identification of performance and consistency indicators adopted by the organization, in such a way as to support forms of communication that allow the company to involve its stakeholders in its activities and to share the defined objectives
- allows you to help all types of companies , whether large or small, to integrate social responsibility throughout the organization taking into account their social, economic and environmental system, their priorities, the specific requests from stakeholders
The benefits of social responsibility for a company:
- increased competitiveness (assessment of management risk, cost reduction, access to capital, better relations with consumers, human resource management, innovation capacity)
- increased ability to anticipate expectations and to make the necessary changes to products and services to meet these expectations (ability to deal with social, economic, environmental changes) through dialogue and constant discussion with stakeholders (competitive advantage)
- increase and maintain its corporate reputation , i.e. the credibility that the company itself has in front of society