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Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM) and Public Administration

Environmental sustainability plan of PA consumption in the Official Journal the Decree of 3 August 2023

Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM) and Public Administration

Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM) and Public Administration The Decree of August 3, 2023 of MASE, entitled "Approval of the national action plan for the environmental sustainability of consumption in the public administration sector 2023" , was published in the Official Journal on August 19, 2023.

The European Commission has coined the term “ green public procurement ” to indicate the environmental policy approach in which public administrations integrate environmental criteria into all stages of the procurement process.

This approach aims to promote the dissemination of green technologies and the creation of environmentally friendly products. This occurs through the research and selection of solutions that generate the least possible environmental impact along the entire life cycle of the products.

Through Communication COM (2003) 302, the European Commission presented the Integrated Product Policy, with the aim of developing the concept of "environmental life cycle".

In line with initiatives to promote sustainable procurement, this communication encouraged Member States to create and make publicly available "action plans for integrating environmental considerations into public procurement" by 2006.
These plans were supposed to establish objectives to be achieved within three years and define the actions to be taken.

The Action Plan in question, by promoting the adoption of public procurement oriented towards eco-sustainability, takes on the role of link between production and consumption.

Its interdisciplinary scope and its impact on environmental protection objectives make it a strategic tool for putting into practice the directives established in the Sustainable Development Strategy and in the United Nations 2030 Agenda, focusing in particular on objective 12 (production and responsible consumption).

This Plan also aligns with the intentions of the National Strategy for the Circular Economy, adopted by Ministerial Decree on 24 June 2022, and integrates with the various plans and strategies that pursue environmental sustainability objectives.

In this way, the Action Plan is configured as a key tool for promoting the interconnection between environmental sustainability policies and the achievement of concrete results in this direction.

Furthermore, the Action Plan plays a strategic role in the development of the real economy , as it favors the implementation of the principles of the transition towards a green and circular economy in the production system.

Furthermore, it supports innovation in products, processes and business models .
In particular, environmentally focused public procurement can simultaneously meet the contingent needs of the socio-economic system, preserving social cohesion, and promote important catalysts for new European development models.
This means contributing to the digital and green transition of businesses and society as a whole.

Furthermore, public procurement can represent an opportunity to strengthen the leadership role of Italian companies at European and global level , regardless of their size (large or small and medium-sized enterprises – SMEs), in the field of green technologies and circular practices.

The decree in question entered into force on 20 August 2023 with the aim of reviewing and updating the minimum environmental criteria (CAM) in force and integrating new categories of supplies, services and works into the sustainable public procurement strategy. (Source: https://www.ecodallecitta.it/ )

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