Home Corporate Communication News Equalitas and Legambiente partner in the sustainability certification of the wine supply chain

Equalitas and Legambiente partner in the sustainability certification of the wine supply chain

Signed an agreement for a unique model

Equalitas and Legambiente partner in the sustainability certification of the wine supply chain

Equalitas and Legambiente partner in the sustainability certification of the wine supply chain

In favor of a system that gives a boost to the turning point for the world of wine, Equalitas -of which CSQA is one of the founders- and Legambiente have signed an agreement to promote an agricultural model based on sustainability, capable of making a culture grow of enterprise and consumption of values functional to the sustainable development of markets and society.

Legambiente and Equalitas become partners in the sustainability certification of the wine production chain
On the one hand Legambiente and its historic commitment to the promotion of a civil economy , responsible for its role in local and global societies and capable of making a difference in the green turnaround of our country, on the other Equalitas which has set up a scheme in harmony with its values and which will be able to make wine the standard-bearer of a virtuous, as well as successful, agricultural model.

Stefano Ciafani, national president of Legambiente, Riccardo Ricci Curbastro, president of EQUALITAS, and Angelo Gentili, national manager of Legambiente Agricoltura, took part in the debate held in Rispescia (Gr) as part of the signing of the agreement, animating a discussion that highlighted the depth of this understanding, starting from the good organic practices , passing through the tools for controlling the impacts on the climate, water and biodiversity , thus enhancing the natural propensity to enhance the best work practices , with a view to well-being and sharing , up to the recognition of the importance of an independent and highly professional control system .

This model also plays a fundamental role in contrasting phenomena such as illegal illegal hiring , precisely through the guarantees it provides to the consumer, putting the health of those who contribute their work to agricultural production first, as well as the corporate culture that it spreads. .

Legambiente – says Stefano Ciafani, national president of Legambienteis strongly committed to the transition in agriculture, an important lever through which to concretely combat the climate crisis. The increasingly growing awareness of operators towards environmental issues demonstrates that we are on the right track. However, the road is still long. The agreement with Equalitas contributes to that change of pace that the planet needs extremely urgently.”

“ It is really important for Equalitas, which today represents the sustainability management scheme that certifies companies that generate a fifth of national production, to be able to collaborate with Legambiente in the awareness of such a union of intentions and values - adds Riccardo Ricci Curbastro, president of Equalitas . "Together we can really contribute to spreading in Italy as in all countries that recognize a reference in our agro-food model, a culture of food quality, the environment and society, compatible with the territorial identity in which it was born."

Legambiente was born in 1980, heir to the first ecological nuclei and the anti-nuclear movement that developed in Italy and throughout the western world in the second half of the 70s. A distinctive trait of the association has always been scientific environmentalism, that is the choice to base every initiative for the defense of the environment on a precise analysis of the available data, which has made it possible to accompany the initiatives of the association with the indication of concrete, realistic, feasible alternatives.

Equalitas is the company that owns the Standard originating from a project for the certification of sustainability in the wine sector whose launch, which took place in 2015, represented the culmination of years of experience and comparisons with the academic world, research and businesses , through various "containers", the most representative and unifying of which was the Forum for the Sustainability of Wine, created to "censor" the existing sustainability in the wine sector and to catalyze and contaminate the requests of all the stakeholders.

The founders of the initiative are also the company's current partners: Federdoc (the Confederation of Consortia for the protection of Italian wine DOCs), CSQA and Valoritalia (two of the leading bodies for certification in the wine sector) and the Gambero Rosso Foundation.

The Equalitas project and the related Standard, encompassing the three "pillars" of sustainability, environmental, economic and ethical/social and addressing the entire wine supply chain whether they are farmers/winegrowers, processors, bottlers or collect all these identities in one, up to the protection consortia.

The first objective of Equalitas is the sharing of a single approach to sustainability at the Italian level and the diffusion of a collective guarantee brand for the consumer , in order to promote the same harmonization in agreement with all producer and consumer markets at an international level. (Source: https://www.igrandivini.com/ )

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