The public notice launching today defines the criteria and methods for granting contributions to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain gender equality certification , a measure of the PNRR owned by the Presidency's Department for Equal Opportunities of the Council of Ministers, carried out in collaboration with Unioncamere as implementing body.
With the public notice, the criteria and methods for granting contributions to SMEs for technical assistance and support services , provided in the form of tutoring and for gender equality certification services , are defined.
The objective of the measure, which has a total budget of 10 million euros , 8 of which are intended to support SMEs, is to accompany and incentivize companies to adopt adequate policies to reduce the gender gap and, in line with the provisions of the National Strategy for gender equality, contribute to achieving a 5-point increase in the ranking of the Gender Equality Index developed by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) by 2026, which currently sees Italy at 13th place in the ranking of EU countries.
With the notice that was published on November 6, a first tranche of 4 million euros was made available.
CSQA is included in the list of certification bodies accredited for the UNI/PdR 125:2022 gender equality certification scheme.