People with disabilities at the center of the certification process
CSQA certifies Il Melograno di Vesime (AT) ISO 9001 and UNI 11010
The official delivery ceremony of the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 and UNI 11010: 2016 certificates was held this morning for the organization IL MELOGRANO srl of Vesime (AT), a RAF Community - Type B Flexible Assistance Residence, Residential Community for physically and mentally disabled users.
The certification concerned the design and provision of social welfare services in a residential regime for people with motor and cognitive disabilities. The UNI 11010 objectively certifies the sensitivity and development of specific tools for disability.
In fact, this rule applies to social/educational/assistance/social-rehabilitative services , both residential and daytime, for recovery, maintenance in the family and social environment, integration and participation in social life with people with disabilities .
The heart of the standard aims to provide a model of welcome and then of hospitality, solid, well structured, organized, aimed at pursuing concrete and real objectives. All this to reassure a condition of serene daily trust, attainable through the serious and inflexible preparation that leads to meeting and acceptance.
With ISO 9001 , Il Melograno has been able to proceduralize a Quality Management System, with management of the Context, Risks and Opportunities and provision of a service kept under control, with the disabled user of its residential centers at the centre.
At the ceremony for the delivery of the certificates were present:Massimiliano Oro for CSQA, the Legal Representative of Il Melograno Loredana Vallino , the Director of the Structure Enrica Tusacciu , the Coordinator Savina Possenti , the Consultant of the Management System Emanuela Pelissero , the Warrant Officer of the local Carabinieri station Roberto Cergol , the Representative of the Municipality of Vesime Francesca Pola , the Head of Civil Protection Massimo Pregliasco , the Representative of the Parish of Vesime Giambattista Giaccaro.