Home Corporate Communication News Workplace safety: UNI ISO 45001 for the Bari Polyclinic

Workplace safety: UNI ISO 45001 for the Bari Polyclinic

CSQA certifies the first university hospital in Italy for this standard

Workplace safety: UNI ISO 45001 for the Bari Polyclinic

Workplace safety: UNI ISO 45001 for the Bari Polyclinic At the Bari Polyclinic issued by CSQA the certification of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System according to the UNI ISO 45001 standard, the international standard that defines the minimum standards of good practice for the protection of workers.

This is the first polyclinic in Italy to have been awarded this certificate.

“We wanted – explains the general director Giovanni Miglioreto have our workplace health and safety management system objectively validated by a third-party body with the aim of best guaranteeing the protection of our healthcare professionals.

CSQA responded to our notice, carried out its analyzes and the certificate obtained today makes us particularly proud. We know that it represents a starting point because the work environments within our hospital are very diversified and there are situations stratified over time on which structural interventions are necessary and we have taken action to
policlinoico-di-Bari-(2).jpg r do it in all the pavilions we are renovating”.

With the application of UNI ISO 45001, the Company's attention focuses on policies for preventing and reducing the risk of injury during work , through the analysis and elimination of possible causes.

The certification process, which began in 2021, led to the release of the CSQA certification on 29 November 2023 thanks to the teamwork between management, the prevention and protection service, occupational medicine and the technical management area in addition to the fundamental contribution of the operating units involved and the workers' safety representatives.

“The UNI ISO 45001 Certification is in line with the provisions of SIRGIS, the Integrated Health and Safety Management System of the Puglia Region and represents a starting point for further improving processes and constantly evaluating the effects of the company procedures in place. There is only one purpose: to protect the well-being of workers, guaranteeing them a healthy and safe working environment whose risks are reduced to a minimum" declares Eng. Antonio Messina, Head of the Prevention and Protection Service of the Bari Polyclinic.

Added to this consideration is that of Dr. Massimo Dutto, Head of Life Sciences at CSQA : “The project denotes a strong desire to abandon any form of self-referentiality; this approach follows regional, national and international guidelines, giving an organizational and objective response.
The choice to adopt UNI ISO 45001 as a standard guarantees a virtuous path for safety in the workplace and denotes a strong commitment from the Polyclinic Management in achieving this result and making it sustainable and expandable over time despite the complexity of the Company".

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