Home Corporate Communication News From Piemonte to Basilicata new PEFC certified forests

From Piemonte to Basilicata new PEFC certified forests

The PEFC ENEGIVOS Group (TO) and the Lavecchia Biomasse Network (PZ) obtain GFS certification for a total of 1,600 hectares

From Piemonte to Basilicata new PEFC certified forests

From Piemonte to Basilicata new PEFC certified forests CSQA releases two new PEFC Sustainable Forest Management certifications.

In Piemonte, the PEFC ENEGIVOS Group obtained group certification for a total of 864 hectares , of which 740.87 in the Municipality of Valprato Soana (TO) and 123.17 in the Municipality of Ribordone (TO).

The forest types involved are larch, beech, spruce, fir, invasion forests , for the sale of standing lots.
On the slopes of the Gran Paradiso massif, in Val Soana and Valle dell'Orco respectively, the two municipalities have a total of 144 inhabitants, testifying to a process of depopulation of mountain areas which has seen a population loss of 95% in the last 100 years % to the benefit of neighboring urban areas.

Nonetheless, the woodland heritage of these areas represents a resource to be safeguarded and enhanced with active and careful management, which the men and women who live and work in this area have chosen to carry forward following the indications of the PEFC scheme.

The PEFC certified surface area in Piedmont thus rises to a total of 69,254.18 hectares, of which 66,656.92 are forests and 2,597.26 are poplar groves.

In Basilicata it is the Lavecchia Biomasse Network, of Brienza (PZ), which has brought its 735.3031 hectares of mesoxerophilous beech and oak forests to certification.
The network is made up of the company LC Legnami di Lavecchia Cataldo and Legno Sud Ambiente e Foreste srls, both based in Brienza, a medieval village in the territory of the Appennino Lucano Val d'Agri Lagonegrese National Park.

With the release of this certificate by CSQA , the PEFC certified forest area in Basilicata rises to 2,697.92 hectares, corresponding to 30% of the total regional area which boasts 350 thousand hectares of forests. (Source: https://www.pefc.it /)

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